By using ebooksunltd you agree to the following terms, and any incorporated policies. Please ensure you read and fully understand these terms before using ebooksunltd. Acceptance of these terms is implied by using any of ebooksunltd services.

Use of services
ebooksunltd provides services to you provided that you are of legal age to form a binding contract and are not currently banned from using our services.

ebooksunltd realise your privacy is important. Our privacy policy is incorporated into these terms by reference.

Our rules for content on ebooksunltd are incorporated into these terms by reference. You understand and agree to abide by the rules for content. You understand continual breaches of rules may lead to a permanent ban being placed on your account.

Account security
You are responsible for the confidentiality of your account password, and are responsible for all activity that occurs on your account. You agree to immediately notify ebooksunltd of any breach of security systems or unauthorized used your account. You agree you will never allow any other person to use your account to gain access to services they would otherwise not be able to access , or to circumnavigate any current bans that may be appropriate to their account. You understand ebooksunltd may issue a permanent ban on any account which is abused. ebooksunltd is not liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to keep your password confidential.

You understand all information contained on ebooksunltd is the sole responsibility of the person from which the content originated. ebooksunltd reserves the right, but has no obligation, to screen or filter content available on ebooksunltd. You understand by using ebooksunltd you may be exposed to material deemed objectionable and you use ebooksunltd at your own risk.

Copyright and trademarks
It is our policy to respond to notices of alleged infringement that comply with our copyright policy.

Use and storage
You agree ebooksunltd has no obligation to store any content, nor has any responsibility or liability for deletion of content from ebooksunltd servers. You understand ebooksunltd may set an upper limit on the quota of services you may use at any time.

Modifications of services
You understand ebooksunltd has no obligation to continue services currently provided. These services may be altered or discontinued without notice. You agree that ebooksunltd is not liable for any loss due to modifications of services.

Personal use
You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, sell, trade or exploit any ebooksunltd services for commercial gain. ebooksunltd services are provided for personal use only.

Termination of accounts
You may have your account removed from ebooksunltd servers at any time by contacting us. You understand a permanent ban may be placed on your account if you continually breach these terms.

You understand ebooksunltd is unable to control the content of external websites and follow any external links at your own risk. ebooksunltd is not liable for the content of any websites that are not subdomains of

You agree to indemnify ebooksunltd from and against any third party claim arising from or in any way related to your use of ebooksunltd services.

Changes to these terms
These terms may be updated from time to time without notice. The effective date of the latest change will always be displayed on the top of this page as 'Last modified'. If any significant changes are made to these terms, which will affect a large number of users, we will post an announcement in the announcements forum.

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