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Little Lost Lambs by Harold Lamb

Harold Albert Lamb (Sept 1, 1892–Apr 9, 1962) was born in Alpine, New Jersey. He attended Columbia University, where his interest in the peoples and history of Asia began. He built a career with his writing from an early age. He got his start in the pulp magazines, quickly moving to the prestigious Adventure magazine, his primary fiction outlet for nineteen years. The editor of Adventure, Arthur Sullivant Hoffman, praised Lamb's writing ability, describing him as "always the scholar first, the good fictionist second."
In 1927 he wrote a biography of Genghis Khan, and following on its success turned more and more to the writing of non-fiction, penning numerous biographies and popular history books until his death in 1962 in Rochester, N.Y. The success of Lamb's two-volume history of the Crusades led to his discovery by Cecil B. DeMille, who employed Lamb as a technical advisor on a related movie, The Crusades, and used him as a screenwriter on many other DeMille movies thereafter.
Genre: Literature & Fiction > Adventure


Little Lost Lambs: brings together a considerable number of previously uncollected Lamb stories, from a variety of pulp magazines, as follows:

Somewhere in the Pacific - Apr 28, 1917
Expert Proficiency - Jun 23, 1917
Takings and Leavings - May 3, 1919
Ships and Sharks - Dec 20, 1919
People's Favorite Magazine
Call of the Caribbean - Feb 10, 1919
McCarnie's second bet - Jan 18, 1920
Saladin’s Holy War - Dec 1, 1930 (Flame of Islam)
The Panther - Mar 15, 1931 (Flame of Islam)
The Red String - Jan 11, 1919 (de Bacourt)
Yellow Elephants - March 8, 1919 (de Bacourt)
The Eyes of Ya Long - Jun 5, 1920
Short Stories
Two Thousand Years - March 1921
The Jumping-Off Place - Apr 16, 1921
The Make-Weight - Sep 25, 1921
The Voice in the Drum - Jan 25, 1923
The Camp of the Snake - Jul 10, 1924
Bolshaya, Room Three - Mar 20, 1943
Blue Book
The Three Good Witnesses - January 1945

Little Lost Lambs at the Post: collects the 16 stories by Lamb that appeared in Saturday Evening Post, complete with artwork.

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Little Lost Lambs at the Post

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