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Aston Creek High Series by Sheridan Anne (1-4) + Real Girl (Aston Creek High, book 4)



1. Ugly Girl - Slade Cruz is a d*@k.
He’s intimidating, sexy as sin, and unpredictably wild. His eyes draw me in while his vicious smirk screams at me to run and never look back. I’m a toy to him, a pawn to use in his devilish games.
I’ve already suffered through hell and back and if it’s games he wants then it’s games he’ll get, but he should be warned, this time it’s my turn to play the lead.
This time, I get to be the devil.
Aston Creek High was supposed to be my fresh start. This was my one shot at freedom, but he had other plans for me. Slade Cruz was never a part of my plan, but he sure as hell made me part of his. I thought I was through with fighting to survive, but it seems as though the games have only just begun.

2. Lost Girl - Who the f&*k gave Slade Cruz this kind of power over me?
I don’t know how it happened. One minute he was the guy I loathed and the next thing I knew, I was waking up beside him desperate to get out of there.
When secrets are revealed, Slade and I realize that we are more connected than we could have ever known. Not only are we learning that our hearts beat as one, but we now share a common enemy who neither of us could have foreseen.
I’m quickly learning that Lucien Valentine isn’t only the monster in my storybook, but makes appearances in many. He needs to be stopped, but this war is bigger than just me and I don’t think I have what it takes to fight it.
Betrayals bite hard as secrets are revealed. Hearts are put on the line, and just when you thought you had it all, the devil shows up on your door. This time he might take more than you could possibly give, and it might just cost you your life.
Hold onto your seats because Aston Creek is about to enter a war it never saw coming.

3. Wild Girl - Have you ever known what it feels like to die?
It’s not great. Trust me, I don’t recommend it.
I’ve always said that my life is about surviving, but I didn’t realize how true that was until the devil sent me soaring off a bridge with the love of my life and lodged a bullet through my thigh.
It’s not my time to die.
He should know by now that I’m a survivor and it’s going to take a little more than a submerged Dodge RAM in the bottom of the river and a bullet to take me out.
I want my revenge and I want it now.
Lucien Valentine will not get away with this.
Someone should have warned me that when you’re playing with fire, you’re bound to get burned. This game just upped the stakes and this time, I might not have what it takes to make it out the other end.

4. Real Girl - Lucien Valentine must die.
It’s the thought that’s kept me going for four long years. I’ve imagined it, dreamed about it, relished in it. I want it so bad, but the question is, do I have what it takes to make it happen?
Taking a life isn’t for the faint-hearted. Just ask Lucien, he knows.
He’s taken me back to where it all started and I know exactly how it’s going to go. He’s going to hurt me and then he’ll marry me off to his millionaire business partner, Marcus Mahony, who has even lower morals than he does.
I can’t let that happen.
I have to get out of here even if it means finding out exactly what I’m made of, even if it means leaving a piece of myself behind.
I thought the past six months were insane. It turns out that I hadn’t even touched the surface. One thing is for sure, I will never be the same again.
Welcome. To. Hell.

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4. Real Girl

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